Have you ever wondered what happens to the people who go to sleep and never wake up. Those who lay dormant between life and death unable to walk, talk, eat, drink, and the only thing they can do is sleep and breathe. No longer conscious in our world ,but what about another. On a monday morning out of nowhere all the people in mountgrove highschool fell into a deep sleep.
345 freshmen
423 sophomores
324 juniors
401 seniors
102 faculty
All out of nowhere fell into a coma at the same time with no reasoning. As they all were being rushed to hospitals new station, police, doctors, and the loved ones of 1,604 people where in a panic. What happened, why, and who could be next. As time moved on some of 1,604 people woke up, some stayed peacefully asleep, while others breathed their last breath. However those who woke up didn't just wake up they all had stories to tell. At first no one believed them ,but the more and more of those who woke up and told their story people started to realize they were all telling the exact same story. A story of another realm just out of eyeshot of our own. A world that those who hallucinate can see but only those in a coma can live. What really happened that monday morning at mountgrove highschool those who woke up can tell ,but those who still lay dormant are still living.
في ظلِّ عـلاقـتـهـمـا الغير مُـتـزِنـة الّتي فجأة أضحَت على نحوٍ جـيـد هيَ أخـتـفَـت! ...
سافرَ لِأسبوعان و عاد مُتلهِفاً لِلُقياها و دفنِها داخِل أعـمـاقِـه ، لَكْنهُ لَم يُحقق مُـنـاه كونهُ شاهدَ منزلهُ خـالـيـاً مِـنـهـا و مِن جُلِّ ما يـخـصـهـا ...
و بعد بحثٍ مُكثف ، أتضح في قضيتها إنها هـارِبـة رفقة عَشيقها! .
𝐂𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐘:@kimrossy12
𝐒: 27/4/2024
𝐄: // // ////
•الرِواية بِقلمي و من تفكيري الخاص و إن وجدت المثل لها ، فَ هوَ مجرد تشابُه