Bronwyn sighed, "Have you ever stopped to think for a moment?" she questioned rhetorically, "It may not be a Blair-thing to do, but is it an Aries-thing to do?" she asked, "It may not be the Blair-Aries we know, but a previous Aries may have been off their rocker that Aries over the years adapted to that trait, ever thought of that?" she questioned. Shannon was utterly speechless, as she began to cry, "Blair, Aries, whoever she is! She believed me from the start, she was there for me when people called me crazy, yet I took it for granted." Bronwyn heavily exhaled, "She's not a she, she's a monster for your correction, your past with that monster doesn't matter anymore, this is a fight of survival, not a talk-your-way-out-of-it situation, face reality, this is the end."
I had a dream. A really funny dream. It had to do with the zodiac signs. All of them had personas. It was great. At least I thought so. So I decided to make my dream a reality. Without farther ado, here are their stories told in their own words...
Updated Summary:
Each chapter is told from one of the zodiac signs. It's all about them coming together and living under one roof from the beginning of a school year to the end of one. Each of the signs learn something about friendship or love along the way. Most importantly, they learn about surviving each other and their differences. It's a comical relieve from all the rest of the stories. Please enjoy. And it's completed.