Alyia Winters isn't normal. She lost her father and her best friend 3 years ago. Her dad died in a car wreck, and Shawn, Her bestfriend, decided she wasn't cool enough to be seen with. Alyia, Tabby, Carson, Nate, and Catrina stuck together. Though, they all knew that it would never be the same without Shawn. Especially since they all knew Alyia loved him. Shawn, being one of the strongest demonic angels around and the rarest and most respected of breeds, had a lot of respect. He also had a lot of people who liked him and disliked him. He's 20 yrs old and an ass. Though he misses his friends. None of them will talk to him after what he did, and he can't blame them. He hates him self for it as well. But he couldn't change that. Not now. Besides, to him, Alyia was a nobody. Or at least that's what he kept telling himself. She wasn't strong and powerful. She was just a fairy. Which is why it was such a surprise when he found out exactly what she really meant to him. Although shocked, he couldn't help but be secretly thrilled about it as well. She was his, and nobody would ever be able to change that. No matter what.
When the annual testings came around, Alyia didn't see any point in taking them again. She already knew what she was, and didn't feel like re-taking the exam's again. Especially since it would be her 5th year taking them.. But of course her friends begged her. They took them every year, just for kicks. Like tradition. When the results came in, Alyia was suddenly thrust into a whole new life. With a whole new identity. She no longer knew who or even what she was. And it seemed like a lot of people were suddenly scared of her, and others in complete awe. The Council was suddenly very concerned with her well being. They wanted her protected, but wouldn't give her answers about anything at all. And what about Shawn? Why was he suddenly so intent on being with her? Was it because of the Council?Or something else? Why couldn't she control her powers anymore?
This supergirl has no powers (Now Published so sample only)
10 parts Complete
10 parts
In a school for super powered, supernatural students one doesn't fit in. She comes from the most prestigious family well known for their superpowers, yet Winter Mangalow is just a normal girl.
Her family all keep telling her that one day her powers would shine through, but now at the age of seventeen almost eighteen she no longer believes them.
Her school life is hell with everyone looking down on her because of her lack of powers. With her Dad being Principal though it meant she couldn't even attend a different school.
Both the ban of her existence and the only joy in her day is one Caspian Anderson, the most powerful student in the school.
When at school he acts like the biggest, most arrogant jerk she had ever known. But Winter has a secret, she knows Caspian very well.
He may not acknowledge her at school but every afternoon he was all hers. He was the best friend that any girl could wish for. He was sweet, kind and funny. He never let the fact she had no powers bother him then at all.
With the arrival of Zeke Worthington her life became in disarray. He understood her; he knew what it felt like to be the outsider. He told her he had come from a place where he was misunderstood too. Zeke seemed immensely happy to meet Winter, even though he befriended Caspian too.
Why Caspian had a problem with it, Winter doesn't understand. It wasn't like he went out of his way to be friends with her during school hours.
Even as Winter and Zeke get closer, Caspian becomes increasingly unhappy and agitated with her. She can't change things though, after all in the long run all she can prove is that she has no powers, but maybe she will be surprised.