Sleeping recently has been unpleasant at best, downright tournament at worst. He's gotten used to Jolting awake from these scenes of horror, but they still phase him every time. Tonight was no exception. As he drifts off too drained to even think of trying to stay awake all the darkness just creeps up from that back of his mind to haunt him...
subject information:
Name: Izzy Rose
True name: Adam Roberts
Apparent age: 19
True age: 25
Height: 5'6"
Clan: malkavian
Sire: Dr. Geoffrey Bradbury
Genration : 13
Clan bane: DPD- Dependent personality Disorder
Date of birth: 1965
date of death: 1984
Fun facts about Izzy:
*he almost always forgets to take his glasses off before falling a sleep
*he snorts when he's genuinely laughing
*he can't stand love songs or PDA. Often times rolling his eyes and gagging at such things
*he also can't flirt to save his life
*when he was human he had synesthesia but when he was turned it went away. *he cannot drive, He normally walks everywhere or has someone else drive him *he still has a slight fear of water due to almost drowning twice, but if need be he can go into water and swim. *he has a collection of a lot of different knifes and if he gives you one that means he really trusts you.
*he has a locket he almost always wears and is very important to him, but never ask what's in it.