1 part Complete Alkhamdulillaah hirobbil'aalamiin, I pray only to Allah S.W.T who has given me everything until now. Allah also gave me the opportunity to finish this short story "Goes to Bali in Corona 2020" in a pandemic condition like this. Prayers and greetings I will specialize in my role model Rosululloh Muhammad S.A.W. who had provided a second to none role model that I hope I can follow to the end of the world.
Thanks to Mrs. Hj. Sri Hartatik, M.Pd. which has given me the opportunity to visit Bali Island again after so many years of never visiting it. My next thank is you all, my colleagues at SMKN Tempursari Lumajang who could support me to write this short story to become a book.
The last, I have to tanks to all of my family members, who always love me and of course support me and always give many chances in order I could finish this short story of "Goes to Bali in Corona 2020". Finally to all the readers, I need your good criticism and suggestions so that I can be better in the next writing of my short story.