A psychological thriller and science fiction novel. Alan is a recent computer science graduate with little life direction, pursuing a career of professional gambling. He has dreams and high aspirations, but can't figure out which path to take in life and is feeling increasingly isolated. After a falling out with his family and a setback in his gambling career, he begins to look for additional, steady sources of income. On a bulletin board at the state university where he sometimes goes to work out and meet new people, an advertisement for a cutting-edge study catches his eye. A group of psychology and computer science researchers promise $200 a week to test subjects with their simulator, B.R.A.N.C.H., a supercomputer designed to help people more accurately make life-changing decisions. Alan is elated to have an extra $800 a month in his pocket for just a few extra hours a week. And not only that, but the supercomputer simulation actually seems to be working. But just as quickly as they began, things start to change.All Rights Reserved
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