Lee Daehwi, all could assume he's not the most sociable, but rather just the nerdy boy who helps everyone with their homework and studying. He is not up to date with music or popular celebrities, so it was inevitable that when a classmate: Bae Jinyoung, who happens to be a recently debuted, famous idol stumbles into the bathroom, Daehwi has no idea who the boy is.
Daehwi is most annoyed by the loud, obnoxious people of the school, more specifically: the fans drooling all over the idols who are just trying to get their education. But perhaps befriending an idol can shift Daehwi from his introverted perspective, and perhaps branch out to discover things about himself that he never knew.
Can Daehwi and Jinyoung keep a secret from the public's curious eyes? What will happen if their secret is exploited for the worst? Will love conquer all?
**Warning: there are trigger warnings regarding: suicide, sexuality, abuse, and some sexual content. Do not read chapters with the • if you are not mature (however, you will miss content: example -> Chapter Whatever •)**
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After 6 years, Seorin met someone who's involved in her life before Jinyoung did. Will something happened to both of them?