Fanfiction from BBC's Fantasy/Drama television show Merlin. It ran for five seasons between 2008-2012. It is a retelling of the Arthurian Legend set in the late 5th early 6th centuries. It follows the title character Merlin, showing his journey from a young wizard to the fully developed warlock of lore. Throughout the series, he is forced to keep his magic a secret as it is illegal in Camelot, upon pain of death. Merlin also performs his traditional role of guiding Arthur through his own development from Prince to King. Arthur, as King, makes Guinevere, who at the time was a maid, his Queen. Through the series the development of Morgana, Arthur's half-sister and frequent antagonist, is also shown as she goes from being a royal to villainous Sorceress. The series includes all the standard elements to fantasy including magic and dragons. The fanfic takes place between series four and five, a three-year gap. The end of season four saw Arthur, with Merlin's help, reclaim Camelot's throne from Morgana who took it earlier in the series. Morgana was mortally wounded, but escaped capture. Her life was then saved by a baby dragon that Merlin found and hatched in an earlier season. I pick it up a few days from there and will chronicle Morgana's actions that lead her to her location at the opening of season five.All Rights Reserved