"No, no please don't take him. Please!" I cry. All I see is the back of his head and officers escorting him from his home. This can't be happening. "Ma'am, you're going to have to step back behind the line," The officer holds his hand out to put space between us. It doesn't help though. This is important. "No please don't take him, you don't understand. That guy is my best friend. He's all I have!" I sob. I see Harry's head dip in to the cop car. He disappears. I lose it. "No Harry please! Please don't take him! He's good I swear!" I panic. "I'll do anything. I'll pay anything just please don't take him!" I see a glimpse of his face as he turns around. He sees me and his eyes go wide. He's speaking but I can't hear him. Why can't I hear him. He's so far away. Please come closer. "Harry! Harry I love you!" I scream. The officer looks away for a split second. I take this chance to get closer to him. I dunk under the line and dart across the lawn to the car. I open the door and cradle his face. "I love you okay? Everything will be fine, I will get you out." Harry is crying as I do too. "I'm so sorry Elizabeth, I'm so sorry I let you down," Harry sobbed. I did too. "You didn't let me down Harry. Pinky promise," I held out my pinky to his lips. He lightly kissed it. "Pinky promise," He whispered. Just as Harry had said that, I was pulled out of the car by officers and taken down the driveway. All I heard were his screams for me as I was dragged down the road and into a seperate car without Harry. I never saw him again. _____________________________________________________________ ALL COPYRIGHTS RESERVED FOR- @SaraStylinson1d and her consentors.All Rights Reserved