20 parts Ongoing MatureIn the midst of seeking vengeance against his older brother, a young Uchiha male finds unexpected companionship in the form of a Hyuga girl, who shares ties to both Hinata and Neji. Their encounters have been fleeting, marked only by silent exchanges until circumstances draw them closer. Despite initial misgivings, a peculiar bond forms between the stoic Hyuga and the vengeful Uchiha, characterized by bickering and challenges. However, as he departs, unresolved emotions linger, leaving both with unanswered questions about the true nature of their connection. Their paths cross anew during and after the chaos of the 4th Great Ninja War. Will their feelings resurface? Is their bond merely friendship, or does it hint at something deeper? Amidst the uncertainty, will three simple words threaten to unravel their fragile relationship?