In a town called Derry, a demonic entity known as Pennywise the Dancing Clown is terrorizing the lives of the residents there. At the same time, many of those same people have assumed that she is just a weak girl who can barely stand against the wind, but deep inside her delicate exterior lies a strong heart and the scars of the trauma that happened not long ago. She may be known as "weed" or "gooky" to many who will never understand her, but the truth is that she is the one and only Jasmine Jeong, one of the members of the infamous Losers Club.
Disclaimer: All characters (except for Jasmine Jeong, her parents, and Auntie Lily) belong to Stephen King. The story will be based on the 2017 movie. As I have yet to watch the movie, forgive me if I don't get the event timeline right.
Warning: There will be several occasions of gore, swearing, sexual innuendos, and one instance of abuse in this story, so this story is recommended for only readers who are 15 and above.
Kiwi Annabelle Curtis, the only girl in the Losers Club. She found herself falling for one the boys, she only hopes that he can catch her. But with trying to save their town, and the children within it, is there even any time to become something more than friends?
/yall this story is super trash but it was my first story so I can't make myself take it down\
Spoilers for IT: CHAPTER 2 BELOW
So I know that chapter 2 revealed that Richie was in love with Eddie and like I'm 100% all for Reddie, but I made this in 2018 and edited it after chapter 2 came out (but before I watched the movie) so Richie isn't gay in this fic. Thanks for understanding, I hope you enjoy my story♡
{Richie × oc}
Started: 1/30/18
Edited: Jan-Feb 2020