قصة شخصية تحكي قصة شخص من الطفولة وحتي يصل الى مراتب عليا ببلد ما . وما الذي عاني منه طوال حياته وما الذي تعرض له من مصائب ومشاكل وكيف احب وخسر من يحب ؟! وكيف عادت له من الموت احدي حبيباته وكيف خسر الكثير وما الذي حدث له فيما بعد وحتى وفاته بحادث سيارة مفخخة
A personal story that tells the story of a person from childhood until he reaches high ranks in a country. And what did he suffer from throughout his life, what misfortunes and problems he was exposed to, and how he loved and lost the one he loved?! And how one of his girlfriends came back to him from death, how he lost a lot, and what happened to him later and even his death in a car bomb accident