"People say that who doesn't cry is a coward, that being inexpressive can harm you. That other want to take advantage of you. That recurring to rudeness isn't -that- bad. That sometimes, is better not to show yourself completely. That a decision will change your future for the best or for the worst. That a yes or a no, will mark your history. They say as well, that if you love something let it go, if it returns is yours and if it doesn't... It never did. What do they want to say with that? I think that if you love someone, you should never get apart from him. As I think that to form a future next to who you have chosen, you gotta listen to his past, knowing it will not always be rosy; live his present, accepting the mistakes that could come through; and dream a future together, where not everything will be good all the times but being along with your beloved one despite all the issues life present.
I decided to follow my heart, venture with love. I decided to blindly believe in you, thinking you'll never apart from me. You promised that if we, somehow, separated we'd find each other again under the blue sky and, if I committed any mistake you'll forgive me. Now I ask myself... Will you follow your promise?"
-Milo Scorpio & Camus Aquarium
Please excuse me if there's any spelling or grammatical errors as English isn't my first language.
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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