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Berkah Akrilik Indonesia, Solusi Utama Berbagai kebutuhan Akrilik Anda
WA 0812-2282-4834 Melayani Pembuatan Plakat Akrilik, Undangan Akrilik, Kotak Akrilik, Grafir Akrilik, Titik Kumpul Akrilik, Plang Akrilik, Name Tag Akrilik, Tempat Kosmetik, Kotak Saran/Amal, gantungan Kunci, Daftar Menu, Tempat Brosur, Display Putar, Jasa Tekuk/ Bending, Tabung Solid/Pipa, Display Putar, Promo Produk, Grafir, Laser Cutting, Embos, Dome, Acrylic Box, Tempat Tissue, Acrylic Mirror, Jual Acrylic Lembaran, Tempat Sendok, Tempat Roti, Rak Majalah/Koran, Urine Protector, Dll
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Di Distribusikan : Berkah Akrilik
Alamat : Ds Lundong Rt 01/01, Kutowinangun, Kebumen - JAWA TENGAH
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WA 0812-2882-4834
IG @berkahakrilik
#PlakatAkrilik #UndanganAkrilik #KotakAkrilik #GrafirAkrilik #TitikKumpulAkrilik #PlangAkrilik #NameTagAkrilik #TempatKosmetik #KotakSaran #KotakAmal #gantunganKunci #DaftarMenu #TempatBrosur #DisplayPutar #JasaTekuk #JasaBending #TabungSolid #Pipa #DisplayPutar #PromoProduk #Grafir #LaserCutting #Embos #Dome #AcrylicBox #TempatTissue #AcrylicMirror #JualAcrylicLembaran #TempatSendok #TempatRoti #RakMajalah #Koran #UrineProtector
Luke has been in love with his best friend, Taylor, for too long now and it's getting difficult to be around him. He knows it's time to move on and find someone who can make him happy, but he feels like that will never happen, not with the way Taylor has his heart...
Being in love with your best friend is hard. Luke Peterson knows this better than anyone else, as he's agonized over his feelings for Taylor Schofield for the past five years. So when he meets the handsome and confident Will Carson who wants to help him get over Taylor, it seems like the perfect chance for him to move on. But can Luke truly give Will a chance? Or will his heart always belong to his best friend?
Content and trigger warning: This story contains descriptions of suicide and homophobia.
[[word count: 60,000-70,000 words]]
Cover designed by Holly Thurston