Long ago in ancient Japan there lived a mighty shogun, loved by his people he ruled during an era of peace until a dark threat rose. The Akukai, monstrous beings created from the spirits of the dishonorable dead began to attack the innocent. Fortunately an order of monks and priestesses discovered a way to infuse kanji with a person's spiritual essence creating the ability of Kanji-Ryuko. By using a Kanji Command warriors could unleash incredible attacks and abilities. The Shogun studied this ability and had a group of handpicked warriors study it as well. The order also provided a series of talisman to the samurai to give them further power in battle. Using this ability the group of samurai was able to fend off the invasion and finally the Shogun gravely wounded the leader of the Akukai, Chionio, (Blood Demon King) as he and the rest of the warriors created a seal to keep the monsters trapped. However in the resulting explosion they were caught in a seal themselves. Many centuries later the conditions were just right to break the seals releasing both groups. Chionio was still healing from his wounds so his followers attacked the world to avenge him as the samurai aim to ward them off once more as the Power Rangers Bushido Blades!All Rights Reserved
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