Ey! insan İhlasını kuşanda gel. Bir mevzu düşünme ellerini uzat ver, hangi haydari gaflet bizi durduracak! var mı bari atlasi mübtekarlık? Bir aşk var burada bir aşk. Hissedersen kavuşursun yegani yegani. Haydi mümin oluşursa varı olmazsa yarı! Vardır elbet bilmediğin ebedi yanı. (Allah aşkı istiyorsan gel) Hereafter is eternal for you, you live in this world but you don't know.When death comes you will face what is the end. When you see death, don't think it will be you starting point! The death angel of reaper will take you to the One God. He is the eternal Hay and Kayyum, the you will know everything after you die. He is your true owner, and he is compassionate, more compassionate than your mother. he is not a man and a woman, he is not like any one he created, and when you see him, you will fall from his beauty. O Human, he created you. then know the value everything! He is one! unique God. (Kuran-ı kerim) bakara page: Of the people there are some who say: "We believe in Allah and the Last Day;" but they don't (really) believe.