hello!. This is my first story (so it's gonna be quite shitty). So please bear with me here!
this story is set in a world where pokemon turned into zombies via a verus (shocker right?). There will be no humans in this (sorry ash!). Anyways I don't want to take so long so lets begin!
It was just another cold night in a town that once was known as "save haven". But now?. Now it's just a part of the hell that was on earth. Zombies looking for anything to eat and if they don't get lucky and kill a poor pokemon... They will eat each other it they got VERY hungry. A young female espeon was scavenging an old rainshcaked pharmcy... "yes!" She said "that's just what I needed for my throat!". The espeon's tail was waging from happenis as she had a cold and just found some pills for it "now let's see what else can i find here...." said the espeon. After a fair amount of time she found some pills, Painkillers and a med kit with some clean bandges in it. The young espeon then walked in the middle of the ghost town and she was kinda scared. I mean.... who can blame her right?. Walking alone in a town full of bloodthirsty monsters will sure as hell gives your spine a stunning chill. Luckliy she had a baseball bat with her. So she can crack open anybody's skull with it. The espeon scavenged a couple of other places one of thoes places was a bar. She found some money on the ground but didn't pick it up "you useless pice of paper...". The espeon thought to herself. After a littile while she found some glass bottles and some whisky. She wasn't going to drink it tho... As she kept it just in case if she scratced herself she would use the whisky to clean the wound up. The other place she stumbled upon was a house but she didn't find anything usefule. The sun faded away and the moon raised up to replace it. The espeon was tired so she slept in the house "so soft~". She said in a light sound as she puts her head above the pillow and falls asleep
بقلمي (حقيقيه)
القي بنظري إلى الخلف ، فأتجمد !
أي مجزرة تلك التي خرجت منها حياً ؟
بقلمي الكاتبه :ميار
هل فعلاً لاتوجد صداقه ام أنا قليله الحظ ام انتم تكرهوني
وهل كان هاذا جوابكم
ربما قليلا مافعلتموه !!!!!!!
مجهول! لاتحزني
وهل يهمكم امري
مجهول !فِداكَ القلبُ لا تحَزن لشيءٍ
لأنَّك إن حَزنتَ فأنتَ منِّي
وَلا تُسبل دُموعَكَ كلَّ حينٍ
وَخُذ دَمعِي وَخُذ إن شئتَ عِيني .
يُغادرنَا القلق ، لَكنَّه لَا يتوقف عن الالتفات .
رغم اعتيادك على الأمر، تحزن مرة أخرى.
أنا قليله الحظ اما الحياة صعبه
رغم صغري تعبت
همومي جبال عله قلبي كـ ليل المظلم الذي تستحله الوحوش
لماذا يبنتي
أنا ابنتك ؟
قرت عيني
نجاتي من المعصيه
أنا مهمه بالنسبه لك؟
بأيّ حرف قد أصوغ جَمالها ؟
وبأيّ شعرٍ قد أحتوي عَيناها ؟
ذهبَ الجَمالُ بكلّ دارٍ يبحثُ ..
حتى أتاها مقبّلاً يُمناها
لا والذي وضع العيونَ بحِجرِها !
ماسرّت العينانُ قبل رُؤاها
رُبما غدًا او بعد غد
رُبما بعد سنينٍ لا تُعد
رُبما ذات مساءٍ نلتقي
في طريقٍ عابرٍ من غير قصد
في نهاية ديسمبر نلتقي !