This poem collection is a depiction of two aspects of our mental state. One in which we feel and the other in which we imagine. That is how I first thought of it's title- 'Ain't The Fairytale.'
Fairytale is about unicorns and rainbows.
But we know that life isn't a unicorn. It is filled with flaws. It is imperfect. Neither is it made of seven colors. It has shades of black and gray, too. Representing the sufferance and hardships of us.
It ain't the fairytale.
Fairytale is what we consider as a false reality.
Are all our imaginations just a mirage? But how can we categorize -our dreams and nightmares that change us as a person- as something non-existent? It is there within us just like our thoughts and emotions. It is real.
It ain't the fairytale.
It ain't the fairytale.
| 17. 5. 2020 |