ellivana flint a beautiful dancer holding 19 wins in a row she dances for light of the day dance studio or lotd her dance teacher being lauren now there's a rivaling studio called blooming flowers dance studio or bfds with a student as good as ellivana Jorge kendall a dancer holding 19 wins in a row his teacher being loriana Their families are the biggest rivals that started 6 generations ago Let's just say both families were both to blame the flints and the kendalls well for a lack of a better term hated eachother's guts and wanted to see eachother die But what happens when a romeo juliet story blossoms between the families that starts when the worst thing happened to both families Will the families come to term Or Will the families break more? ••••••• "Your foul flint" "You know your quite unlikable kendall" "Wow seeing you guys fight so cevilly is weird"