Me and My Cousin A REAL STORY
  • Membaca 2,118
  • Suara 7
  • Bagian 2
  • Durasi 13m
  • Membaca 2,118
  • Suara 7
  • Bagian 2
  • Durasi 13m
Sedang dalam proses, Awal publikasi Sep 02, 2012
Me & My Cousin A REAL STORY is about.... obviously... me and my cousin(s), Chloe (BCF) Maddie (BCF) me (CKITW) (meanings will be said) and my sister Izzy, (CSF). We have had more than 100 adventures, me and Chloe. But, they can't be told in the intro.! So, I recomend everyone read it! Because, it is awesome!!!!!!!!!! 
Chloe (@flyhaas37)
me (@IceUnicorn8822)
Maddie (@hpkid99)
Izzy (@ValentineWallFlower)
If you want amazing stories by these people, click their link!
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Brittanie's Writer Room

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