Hi! My name is Maja. My dad passed away when I was five years old. Of course I miss him but I don't remember that many memories with him because Iike I said I was only five years old. I love my mom, she have always been here for me and my brother. My brothers name is Jackson. Yes Jackson felt, he is very overprotective and he is 17 and I'm 15. I have an ibf. Her name is Livi. I have never met her but I hope I will soon. When I was 14 I got raped by my ex. His name is Isak. He was 16 years old by then. Every time I get close to a boy I freak out because it reminds me of Isak. Well in school everything goes good. Me and my friends never leave each other's side. There name is Nellie and Tamela. Maja: you Tamela: bff Nellie: bff Livi: ibf Carolina: mom Jackson: brother Isak: exAll Rights Reserved