Kirishima and Bakugou have been in a relationship for as long as anyone you ask could remember they were inseparable. They always knew what the other thought and what was going through the others mind. Kirishima is the alpha of the pair and Bakugou the omega. Kirishima got an offer to work abroad for 5 years. But that meant leaving Bakugou behind. He tried talking his boss into letting his boyfriend come along but to no avail and had to make a decision. He and Bakugou talked it over and over every night and they always came to the same conclusions. Kirishima should go. They finally made a decision and stuck to it, Kiri would go. They went on loads of date and made the other the centre of their life until Kiri had to go, but that time came to quickly and soon enough it was the night before Kiri had to leave. Kirishima wanted to make the night special so he made a romantic dinner and gave Bakugou the best sex he could before he had to leave. But they both forgot was that Bakugou's heat week had only just passed. -Art credit goes to popblam1 on Twitter-All Rights Reserved