Talia 18 years old takes on the big apple. straight out of high school she made the decision to move out and explore New York City. she has no idea what or who she wants to be for the rest of her life. she just knows she wants to be happy. all her life the beach called her but something about ny was calling her. Talia is very spontaneous and adventurous makes life changing decisions without really thinking about them. she just follows her gut. so far she's done good these 18 years. Talia has never been in a serious relationship. never been out on a date. never had her first kiss. although she managed to be involved with a boy she completely feel for and he never treated her like she deserved. Talia loves hard. Way too hard for her own good. Everyone back home just seemed to have there life together which she was overwhelmed by. Moving to ny without telling anyone she knew besides her mother duh.. why she moved made it seemed like she was there for college which was great. She might just have to end up doing that but she didn't want to waste her single mother's well earned money. Her mom was paying everything so far she didn't want to cause more struggles. This trip was more for self discovery. Even know this trip was for her. She did romanticised the thought of meeting a boy and falling in love. She always seemed to get what she wishes for. Careful for what you wish for. Might end you. or break you. or make you. 50/50 chance. good luck! xoxo future Talia.All Rights Reserved
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