43 parts Complete "The Blightspawn Noble" takes place in a world where adventures and heroes journeys are seemingly a thing of the past, a nostalgia every person secretly dreams of within the confines of a modern, civilized world. Where magic has become commercial, and most dream of partaking in the exciting adventures of old.
Within a private university for new elves called Schopengaard, this dream is going to become a reality.
For Eliza Risel, this school is her chance. She wants to train in archery and magic. She wants to be a 'heroine'. The displaced noble heiress has been the victim of various abductions and assasination attempts over her life time. She now desires to be the powerful instead of the powerless. and when it comes to light that a demon with a wide spread cult is out for Eliza's life, she sees a chance to redeem her past failures.
For Magarie, this school is her prison. Torn from her home at a young age, she was dumped in the Bolgias, the land of the demons, whose influence turned her into one of them. Now acting as a spy within Schopengaard for a demon noble named Apopis, Magarie is the only one who knows how dangerous Eliza's presence is.
Eliza is the key to Apopis's ambitions, and the demon will stop at nothing to sacrifice her life.
Eliza and Magarie will need each other to overcome Apopis, the corrupt elements of the school itself, and the worst aspects of themselves to escape their doomed fates.