Most people don't know what it means to feel everything; I guess it's easier to go through a hell of a life if you're like me. To be honest there's no one like me, that's what I thought there's truly no one who'll ever understand what it means to be me. To go through all this pain and come out of it with scars that only I am able to see, it's truly excruciating that sometimes all you ever want to do is die.
Some nights you forcibly hold your tears so they don't see that side of you that we know they might end up seeing and it hurts so bad but we can't give up because what happens if they need us and we aren't even alive. SHIT! I think I might have forgotten to tell you guys that I have two souls in one body and I know some people might not understand the phrase two sides of the same coin but just forget it. That's not the point in this story. The point of this story is... I don't even know what the point of this story is, so I'm just going to keep writing it till we all get our own version of the story because everyone sees things differently and in their own way well.
For the writer does not know his own mind,
He wishes he never had enough time,