During the school holidays, Yves spots a girl when she is out and cannot deny that she fancies her. Though Yves does not want to escape this feeling, she has been brought up to believe that being Gay is a negative thing. When she was younger, Yves had crushes on boys and girls, but the feelings weren't anything like the has now for this girl.
When Yves goes to school on the first day of Year Nine, she is very surprised to see this girl, starting at the school from another. Her feelings grow and annoy her more than anything during the school year. She doesn't want to tell anyone about her feelings for a couple of reasons. She doesn't want this girl to reject her if she does ask her out. She doesn't want her male friends to know that she's Gay. Finally, she doesn't want to come out to her parents because she knows that they won't accept her. Yves is diagnosed with anxiety after her parents take her to a psychologist when she is acting fearful and isolated.
Yves finally works up the courage to ask Kat out. Her anxiety takes over when Kat says nothing back. She doesn't know what is going on, and assumes that Kat is afraid to admit that she doesn't like Yves. Kat has Selective Mutism, meaning she only talks when she feels completely comfortable, but Yves doesn't know this, but soon finds out.
Kat turns out to be Gay too, and confesses that she likes Yves, and their relationship turns out to be a strong one. Yves comes out to her parents, and is surprised to find out that they accept her.