Lana, Rusev and Daniel have been friends since his debut on Smackdown in early 2018. Rusev and Daniel also teamed up once in a while. But as of late Lana's been having trouble at home as fans are starting to believe that she loves Lashley and is having marital problems with her husband Rusev. Even though fans are starting to believe it, and it's causing very real marital problems between the Ravishing Russian and Bulgarian Brute. So much so that Lana turns to the one man that has been there for her through every problem that she didn't feel comfortable going to Rusev about. Her friend Daniel but what started out as marital problems off camera snowballs out of control on camera as Rusev the night after Survivor Series hauls off and punches Lana and not long after Daniel jumps on Rusev and beats the holy hell out of him, and it takes three quarters of the locker room to pry him off the Bulgarian Brute. Daniel accompany's Lana to the trainers office and stays with her. Pretty soon, Lana files for divorce the very next day and Daniel opens his home to her. As things go along, Lana begins to get back to her normal routine and even though she doesn't want to admit it to herself. She is slowly falling for Daniel. And he's falling for her as well. So who will admit their fellings first. Lana or Daniel?All Rights Reserved