The West Sea is an Aqua-punk Adventure Story that is set in an alternate universe where most of the land mass of the planet is deep underwater. We follow the story of Arman Bruno, a recent recruit for the Aseatic Defense Division, where he survives a devastating attack aboard the West Sea Citadel known as the Buhawi. Bleeding in his arms is the Fleet Admiral Amihan, the hero of the West Sea War, who reveals to him that someone inside the government was working against the New Republic. With the help of his fellow recruits Marcus and Dara, they go back to the mainland to find the city in chaos; The Crimson Legion was running rampant in the Metro. It is now up to them and their Amanium-powered submersibles to devise a plan to save the city, reveal the traitor, and hopefully change the course of history in one of the most contested waters in the planet: The West Sea.
23 parts