In the year 2025, World War 3 began. By 2027, people grew fed up and weary, causing them to make rash decisions. In a fit of frustration, the bombs were dropped, and billions died. They weren't dead for long though, and soon, a new war started - one between the living and the dead.
No one knows why they came back, and no one cared, their only focus was on surviving. Despite this, most people assumed it was some kind of disease and took to calling it the "Red Virus" suiting the blood red eyes the dead had when they came back. Millions more died, leaving a dwindling army to fight an endless battle.
One year after the dead began to rise and the battle was still being fought. Survivors struggled daily to live until the next morning, fighting hunger, disease, and the dead. The worst fight, though, was when they had to fight themselves, when survivors were forced to battle their already dwindling numbers.
Will humanity manage to bring itself back to its feet? Or will the dead shred it beyond repair? Or, worse yet, will the remaining humans rip themselves apart with their own greedy desires?
The world ended long ago, riddled with plague and zombies and destruction. But humanity survived, and humanity evolved. The Infection that helped bring the world to its knees also changed humans in ways to help them keep living in this now broken world ready to be rebuilt.
Seven lineages with three strains each, and each have their own unique set of traits that help us survive.
But that's not what this story is about-at least, not really. This story isn't about how a hero will rise and bring the world back to what it was Pre-Fall. This story is about me, an ordinary Remanat living life through the world day to day as a mercenary. A beginner mercenary as everyone likes to remind me. The others in my group have been calling me 'Rookie' since I joined them three months ago. I'm beginning to wonder if they actually know my name.
We have been hired to help the New Reach Caravan travel across the wastelands to Philly Del Phia, and this is the perfect opportunity to show them that I'm not just a dumb Rookie. I'm actually quite good at my job. I just happen to get distracted by one certain Eight-Ball, but it's not my fault he's good-looking, and charming, and funny...
Anyway, all I have to do is help my group get the caravan to Del Phia. Should be an easy enough job. Just avoid the zoms and keep clear of the Raiders, and we should be fine...
Disclaimer: I do not own Zombies, Run! or its characters, nor do I own Dystopia Rising LARP. This is just my Rookie's reaction to the Dystopia Rising New Adventure in the Zombies, Run! App.