you are a young man but you are blessed with Divine blood your family was your mother and father was a king of all gods themselves but there were two beings more powerful than them the Buddha and if you don't know what the Buddha and God himself but you are more powerful than the Buddha and God could ever be when you were born you destroyed half of a temple just by screaming until one day there was a great Divine war between a king of great power started this war your family died during this war you are 500 years old but you look really young because God's don't age will they do age they just don't feel the age but anyway you were still a child in God years you had to be 5 million 5 million years later you meant a inkling named Meggy through the passing days you start to fall in love with Meggy and that is all hope you enjoy the story I'll give you more updates see you guys in the next update see you and hope you enjoyAll Rights Reserved