According to @unicef , India has the highest absolute number of Child #brides in the world- 15,509,000!
While the number is down by 51% since 2000( According to an article in @economictimes), States of Bihar, Rajasthan and West Bengal still remain hubs of this #social #evil.
Deeply rooted cultural norms and lack of education are some of the reasons for the prevalence of this practice. Educating daughters is not seen as a priority. Parents would rather save money for dowry than invest in their child's education. #TrueStory
Adolescents, both boys and girls, need to be empowered and educated. There's a need to make them feel strong enough and SAFE enough to stand up against it.
India is working towards eliminating child, early and forced marriage by 2030. We would love for you to be a part of this initiative in your own little way- educate your drivers and house help, tell them that it's both morally and legally wrong. Save the girl child from all the horrific sexual, psychological and physical trauma that comes with early marriage.
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