39 parts Complete Blue Rose University contains apocalyptic events with, witches, werewolves, and vampires involved in the timeline from the past to the future.
The werewolves, witches, and vampires were at war with each other, because of their views on life, how they eat, and what they do. (Witchcraft, Drinking blood, and their appearance after a transformation)
And because of these conflicts the humans have to watch, die, or suffer. And the humans view this as the end of the world. Humans fear death, and have 0 options to avoid this problem in this time period. Would you want to become a vampire to live longer and experience the things that you haven't fulfilled in life? Or be a witch(animal)and get ridiculed by humans who don't except you for your religion or what you practice. You may even be drawn to werewolves and enjoy the feeling of freedom, but kill people after a transformation, and be the reason for a shortage of animals in a farm. Also, if you had the chance to kill an entire race of creatures that have opposing viewpoints would you do it? In this book you get to experience the view points of characters that are part of 1 or more group(s) of people.