Four Furry siblings, living in the underground of Teensville City, training and battling together against the forces of Evil. Trained in the Shadows and art of Ninja by their Master Sonic, raising three sons and one daughter, to be the ultimate warriors. Giving them powerful and interesting names, followed by their own respective roles. Polie James Cattails The Leader. Shadow The Hedgehog The Muscle. Jinny Alice Cattails The Brains. Scrat Crazy Cattails The Funny. Along with their friends Fluffy and Drag and their weapons, they work together as a team to save the world and their home, and stop the Evil Villains. But one night on one of their nightly patrol missions, something goes wrong with the leader... Polie was looking out for any Evil Villains, when he got attacked by Evil Shadow. They were about to start fighting, until Evil Shadow had something different in mind, and things got much, much worse... But how worse? Read to find out what happens! (WARNING! There will be mentions of Rape and male pregnancy!)
16 parts