Give it a chance. Reads make me happy. (my favs) Everything that I find funny/cute/cool. Cover isn't mine BAT BROTHERS (BB), YOUNG JUSTICE(YJ), TEEN TITANS (TT) actually not a lot of teen titans can't find much What I obsess over and have an unhealthy session with (No particular order it varies with my mood): Dick (Robin/Nightwing) Damian (Robin) VERY Jason (Robin/Red Hood) SLOW Raven (Lol it just Raven) UPDATES Garfield (Beast Boy) Wally/Artemis (idk their ship- WallArt?) 11.15.19 - Repeat: NOTHING IS MINE UNLESS [[THE TITLE IS LIKE THIS]]. EVERYTHING IS OFF GOOGLE AND/OR PINTEREST. IF YOU WANT THE CREDIT OR WANT ME TO TAKE IT DOWN PM ME. Also if you know me irl just don't mention this. Ever. Or I will stop all contact with you.All Rights Reserved