Izuku Midoriya isn't what you would call your average male teen In fact, he's not male at all Well- He is But not biologically You see, izuku Midoriya was born female but he had always known he was a boy His mother supported him even when he was a little boy and never forced him to dress in skirts and dresses His father however... was not happy he had a 'dyke' as a 'daughter' so izuku never had a father figure growing up He was 10 when he came out as trans and his mother scrapped up all the money she made to get him a new wardrobe and a binder for his 11th birthday Everything was going semi smoothly He had a supportive brother like best friend named kacchan (even if he was abut cranky) and the best mom in the world! Now he's attending the school of his dreams Finally! After so long of almost no hope he was gonna become a hero! Well.. he was until romance and drama got in the wayAll Rights Reserved