No matter how much you love to hate, God loves you and does not hate you. All evil and bad things are from the devil and you are not evil or bad. All good things are from God. Your body, heart, and mind are all evil, but your spirit is good. The True You is God's and is good, because God made you good and loves you.
Murder, Lust, Envy, Fights, Cursing, Adultery, Fornication, Wrath, and the thought of these things are all evil and are in your body, heart, and mind.
Patience, Forbearance, Contentment, Martyrdom, Blessing, and Virginity are all Good and from God.
God is spirit and not flesh.
Your body, heart, and mind are flesh and evil.
God is good and you are your spirit, which is good. Your spirit ought to be God in you.
It is not good that a spirit leaves its body until it is time to shed this body as a snake sheds its dead skin.
It is not good that a spirit leaves the body while the spirit is in hell. A spirit can be in hell while the body is alive and healthy and conscience.