Upon the release of Virtual reality, or VR, major game companies realized the success of the virtual reality device, and all banded together. At the time, the 2010's and after the release, companies like Nintendo, Sega, Sony, and a side company, Microsoft, started on a brand new thing that could surpass the limits of the normal Virtual reality headset. Now, 2020, after a good decade of research and production, a full body virtual reality set was made, called the virtual suit, which was a full body suit that came in small, medium, and large that has motion sensors all over to cover the whole body to track movements and actions. The original headset was still in use but more advanced, giving heartbeat sensors that could contact an ambulance if it reaches the limit of a heart attack or if the heart beat instantly stops. The system will automatically shut off if it somehow overheats or malfunctions to shock the user. To test the systems out, 1,000 complete sets of the virtual suit was given out to testers. Multiple genres of games were released for the system, including shooting, fighting, platforming, Rpg, and a hunger games like mode.
Now to introduce me! My name is Joseph, but in our virtual world I go by Emperor!! I was selected out of the thousand testers, being the 367th chosen, to test the virtual suit out. When asked what genre, of course I picked the Rpg genre. The body suit tracks your height so that's one thing that isn't a gimmick when creating a character, and you can't change your gender which is even better. So with that, I created my character and started my adventure!