This is the short story that revolves around a group of friends. Their names are Lee, kind, smart and deeply in love with her boyfriend Philip, a loyal companion and devoted to protecting the ones he loves. Then there's Nora, an average girl who's best friends with Evan, a witty and enjoyable person to be around for a good laugh. Last but not least, there's Vincent; he's only there because Lee is. He's hated by many for being a huge asshole but Lee accepts him. Together, they learn and study at El Camino College but one day when they go on a seemingly harmless trip to Red Rose Forest, everything about they're normal and happy lives changes. So this is a short suspense narrative I had to write for school but I liked how it came out so I'm deciding to put it on here. I had a lot of fun with this but anyways enjoy. (P.S. I also added a lot of stuff to the narrative just to spice things up and make it longer)