After the incident of the rebellion, Markus manages to free the androids, making a new revolution for man kind and all sentiments roaming. All androids begin having equal rights just as planned, and the equality grows more through the years. Several years after the event, androids and humans live finally at harmony, everything is by design.
Markus is living as a worker to help androids find a home of their own, while Jericho has been replaced with Carl's mansion after his death. Markus constantly tries forming Android Rights Acts, looking forward having the right to marry legally North one day and consists with his belief that they are alive.
While Kara, Luther and Alice are all living in Rose's brother's house in Canada, they are peacefully living like a family. Luther finds a legal job, Alice goes to school as a normal girl and Kara stays home doing basic housewife work.
Connor in the meantime; he was living occasionally with Hank, while other times living at Homeless shelters for Androids. He was eventually charged with second murder degree and sent to jail for killing 6 human lives at Cyberlife when he joined the rebellion. He then got sentenced for several years but does not have a clue how much time has occurred.
Though they all still have their problems, Markus eventually finds an enemy longing for Android shutdown. While Kara is dealing with her parenting skills trying to find the suspect that is bullying Alice. As for Connors new mission develops around finding his long lost partner Ltn. Hank Anderson.
(Please Note: this is just fan-fiction, after several days of thinking in my normal routine. I came to a conclusion that if they made Detroit 2 this would be the best and most interesting fitting way to make the story resurrect from its peaceful ending.)
Disclaimer⚠️ The Story and characters are done by Quantic Dream and they own every aspect of it.
This is just what I think should've been of it.
SEASON 1 - 6
crownsmist, 2022
cover by @norasnetflix
spanish & french translations are in my reading lists!