OHHHHH MY GOSH , It was the first day of school and everybody was talking about it . The one thing I wanted was to he cool nd be known as something somebody knew in 7th Grade .........I Had the regrets last year and I didnt think I wanted them this year l. I wish I had a team or someone who knew me for me ... I thought I was cool nd different from ever one and I was different but I wasnt cool .. I found that out on the 2nd Month of school . Who knew that people could talk so much nd never say it out loud . Just in someone's ear. I had only a couple of friends but I ended up being the talker. The Talker is what ever people call who people around the school mainly talk about. It may be confusing but its the life I live. I dnt think people can tell if I am mad or sad cause I have a smile on at all times . Well Check Out My Next Story !All Rights Reserved