51 Partes Concluida A dystopian young adult novel involving romance, secret experiments on human subjects, and a group of teenagers' will to survive.
Reader Comments:
"I'm gonna gush about your book real quick...all the technology has a purpose and is beautifully explained so I can picture it in my mind...the whole concept of the book is completely original...*moment of silence for your beautiful arch of character development* everything your characters do is strictly them but they develop enough to show more about themselves without you straight up telling the reader about them" -Vairl9023
"Ahh!!! This is so good!! I will be anxiously awaiting the next Chapter!!" -CrystalBagot
"Brilliant...ohh, this is very catchy, good work" -IndeeMaynard
"I love this so far" -BrianneMorris
"You've done a great job at creating a mysterious mood" -poisonedpen
All Evita Creedy, 17, wants is to finish her degree and be accepted for a prestigious job with the city's Department of Energy. On the way to take her placement test she sees a man take a gun out of his bag. Panicked, she reaches into her purse for her phone to call 911.
Instead she takes out a gun.
She doesn't know where it came from or how it got there, but when the man turns his gun on her she shoots him. It would be easy for Evita to forget about where the gun came from and let her life return to normal, but its mysterious appearance won't stop nagging at her. When Evita starts asking questions Evelyn Sheer, the head of the city's Department of Energy, takes her captive and places her in a secret, underground research facility.
Evelyn Sheer and the researchers are trying to create a genetic modification that enables humans to photosynthesize. Once in the facility, Evita is tagged as a test subject and loses all say over what happens to her body. She has to escape. By the time she comes up with a plan there is only one problem.
Evita isn't ready to leave.