It had been around 2 weeks since Arthit and Kongpob started dating.. but what would happen if he happened to find Arthit asleep with a pacifier in his mouth..
It has both Daddy Kong/ baby Arthit and daddy Arthit/ baby Kong
For seven years, Arthit has lived across the street from Kongpop Suthilak. In all those years, they've only talked a handful of times.
There's a lot of things Arthit knows about Kongpop Suthilak, and even more he doesn't know.
Until one party on a Friday night, Arthit is dared to kiss Kongpop.
Pic credits: Google
I started writing this story 3yrs ago but had to stop due to starting fresh again.
Thanks for reading.
It's a boys love story. If u are uncomfortable or homophobic please leave. Do not report the story. It may not be something of interest to u but for some it is. Spread love not hate.
I'd try to keep the stry out of grammatical and informative mistakes.