7 years after Katniss and Peeta started a rebellion against the capital and survived/ won the games/ have two kids.....A 16 years old girl named Ally Price who is from one of the wealthiest district of Panem, District 1 volunteer for her niece in the game. Her Dad every morning take her outside the fence which supposed to be electrical but since this district is loyal to the capital the power is turn off it. Ally's dad secretly trained her to fight and help her learn to hunt for foods and help her climb a tree. Then during the reaping the escort who's name is Trinity said "Ladies first!" her niece who is seven years old which her name is Anne was saying "Ally please.....my name might get picked I am scared. what am I supposed to do if I do get picked?". Then Trinity put her hand deep in the glass bowl then pull out a slip of paper. Then Trinity said "Anne Price" Ally breathing stop she could barely think.....she was beyond terrified. Then she see her niece got out of line slowly coming to the stage but Anne stop when she heard her Aunt voice loud and clear "Anne.....stop please....". Then she walk out to get to her niece but the guard stop her so she push them. They pull a gun out but she yell out loud with tears coming down her face "I volunteered as Tribute". Ally's oldest sister Ellie's boyfriend Merrell which is Anne's future step dad walk up to Anne and carry her next to him, Anne's mother in line while Ally slowly walk up on stage next to Trinity. Trinity look at Ally feeling bad about all these young kids who have to be force to be in these games to kill and died but they all have to lived with it. Trinity then said "What's your name?" Ally was in shock but answered " My name is Ally Price" then Trinity said "Are you related to Anne at all?" Ally said "Yeah, I am her aunt and I couldn't let her be in the games.....I mean I love her so much. She doesn't deserve this".Public Domain