Magnus has always known that he had magical powers. People called him crazy. Physiatrists and counsellors, said that he had an interesting psychology, and that he was mentally ill. He was starting to think that as well, until he was taken.
There is an ancient myth that there was a kingdom, or metropolis beyond the woods for magic, where shadows abduct children to attend. Over the years, it's been transformed into a legend that only children listen to. Now Magnus is plunged into a world, every thing that he had ever wanted, gods, magic, angels and all. Now in a world where another dark myth has also haunted children for thousands of years. Of an embodiment of greed, malice and power, known as the Dyarkness. Millions years ago, the three greatest slayers of demons, Dyarknesslayers, destroyed the monster, now that hell is rising once more, can Magnus possibly stand a chance?
Next time Magnus should be careful about what he wishes for...
Also in this realm is constant warring, assassinations of parents, warlocks, blood thirsty vampires, unicorns with guns...
Oh and a chance at death at every turn.
The cover for this book was created by @annie1loves1you
Mikaelis Lumos autem coelus Deavus, an angel who is suppose to be the next heir of Coelus Divada, the kingdom of the holy folk and all of that.
Seems pretty nice, right?
Not for Mika. He has absolutely no intention on being a King before even having the chance to experience what life really is like.
So of course what does he do?
He runs away, wanting to live his life the way he wants to. Therefore, he insists on going to a place that happened to be an academy for individuals just like him and plans to get to know people, get a little taste of the real life before having to return back to his duties.
Though, the longer he stays, the more the thought of returning decreases. And the mere cause for that is no one else but, of course, the Demon and Ruthifa's son himself:
Reiji Ignil.
I just had to add a little fantasy to my own bxb collection this time. So here we are now, and if you wanna give this a try ENjoY!
And if you don't, maybe some of my other stories will suit your taste. I'd be more happy if it did. c;
Started: April 14th 2019
Published: Jan 1st 2020
Finished: April 25th 2020