A suicidal reader trains to become the first female to have a constant spot in the LCS top teams to prove women can be the best too.
You find yourself recruited by Fnatic and Rekkles took it upon himself to be responsible for his new support player. Though known for avoiding relationships, he starts to become too close to this teammate which could end in disaster.
Will reader let go of her past and become the best?
All you need to know as someone that doesn't play League:
ADC = Attack Damage Carry (The person that deals the most damage and carries the team)
Support = Support character (heals or shields teammates , especially their ADC)
LCS = League Championship Series (The series where the best teams compete against each-other)
Fnatic = One of the best teams for League of Legends in the world , Rekkles is their ADC.
Y/n = Your name
Yf/s = Your favourite series
Y/ec= Your eye colour