Wen Han has arrived in Nepal on vacation and, as a Buddhist believer, also a pilgrimage. But very shortly after entering the borders, she runs in again into someone she had had one encounter with six months ago, hundreds of miles away on the far-off Tibetan Plateau. He, at the time, had been a monk. But now, when she saw him, he had returned to the secular life and carried a gun on him. She inadvertently gets to know this man, Cheng Muyun, more, and each time, as another layer of him is revealed, she is both terrified and drawn to him. A rogue? A criminal? Or something else? Dangerous, yes. Yet, he can be so tender. But always magnetic. With each step closer that she gets to him, though, Wen Han, an ordinary, 1/4-Chinese girl from Moscow, is drawn more into a dangerous, frightening world she had never before imagined. And with each step, as she understands this man named Cheng Muyun more, her heart falls more for him, deeper and deeper, until the thought of being apart from him is too hard to bear. But, they are fated to separate-from the very first day, he had told her that.
TW: Blood, violence
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Blood partners. The phenomenon which arose along with sanguines. In this relationship, a human and a sanguine a directly dependant on each other. If they are separated, a life-threatening issue arises not only for the sanguine, but in many cases for the human as well.
Felix Lee and Jisung Han are in this exact type of relationship ever since they were teenagers, and Jisung is Felix's ticket for life. As soon as their neighbour calls the police department with a suspicion that something isn't right in their flat, the police newbie Felix is on his way to save his beloved, no matter what. But their time is quickly running out...
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"Felix? Are you there?" came from the other end of the line.
"He's gone, Minho, and he's hurt," he whispered, his wet eyes lingering on the beautiful bouquet in the vase on the counter. Jisung's cell phone lay beside it.
A slow exhale came from the phone. "Like I said, stay where you are, Chris is on his way."
"How far is he? We can't waste time," freckles recovered, wiping his eyes with his hand and going to close the window before turning to leave.
"He left a while ago, he should be there in a few minutes," his supervisor tried to reassure him.
"Sorry, I can't afford to wait for him," he pulled the phone away from his ear.
"Felix, don't do anything stupid!"
He hung up and headed for the car.
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Disclaimer: I am not a doctor and I have no training in the medical field. I also have no experience with police work as well as terrorism. A fanfiction is exactly what the name states - a fiction from a fan, so please, don't take this story way too seriously.
P.S.: English is not my first language, so please, feel free to let me know if you see a mistake, I'd greately appreciate it!
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All people appearing in this story are 18 or more years old.