This is a new project. It came to me when I was struggling with one of my stories. I felt kind of lost. So, here it is. It all started after King Noctis returned. Dee, Gena, Arnel and Arrysa have been friends since joining the KingsGlaive. After the fall of Insomnia they scattered across the land. Arrysa and Arnel travelled back to Galahd while Dee and Gena remained helping locals. When their King disappeared inside the Crystal, the four of them came back together once more to help save as many lives as they could. Ten years was a long time and not every mind could resist dark thoughts of lost hope.
All four of them often met with Noctis's friends. Arnel often talk to Gladio about battle strategies. Gena became so close to King's shield that they are couple these days. Dee and Ignis were close too, but there is a deep trap between them. Prompto is like warm sun to all of them. He tried to bring happiness to their heart. Dee, Ignis and Noctis have a special connection since they had met when Insomnia was still standing and they were a lot younger too. Dee had a part-time job at a restaurant and Noctis worked there as a part-time cook. Unusual for Prince back then. As you can imagine, Ignis was there to pick the prince up, so that was how they became acquaintances.
There is mystery covering the four Glaives which includes Ravus and Lunafreya.