A story originally and currently inspired by the World War One movie "The Lost Battalion", taking place on the now-ruined world of Ordeus, in the 41st Millenium and the Warhammer 40,000 Universe. This tale follows the lives of those who partook in the war for Ordeus, and what happens after, mainly one (Y/N) (L/N) of the infamous Ordian Marines. In a war for his homeworld and its system, he shall meet friends, enemies, and lose much. For war takes everything, in time, and in the dark future of the 41st millenium, war is never in short supply. But little does anyone know, that Ordeus will play a massive part in the sector's history. He shall encounter loyalist forces of the Imperium, his own comrades, xenos, and even the cruel followers of Chaos. All art and images are not mine unless I say so, and I don't own anything except for perhaps the concept and ideas for stuff. Idfk. It's a male reader insert, not sure if it'll ever be an x male reader.All Rights Reserved
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