PROFINET is a system to trade information among controllers and gadgets. Gadgets could be I/O squares, vision frameworks, RFID perusers, drives, process instruments, intermediaries, or significantly different controllers.
Quick and Deterministic
PROFINET trades information rapidly and deterministically. Required paces change contingent upon the application; process instruments update in many milliseconds, industrial facility gadgets give faster updates (<10milliseconds), and movement control synchronization is significantly all the more requesting. Determinism implies the messages show up when they should.
រឿងមួយនេះជាប្រភេទ BL s*x ចង់អានក៏អានចុះតែបើប៉ះពាល់អារម្មណ៍កុំបន្ទោសអ្នកសរសេរឲ្យសោះហើយក្នុងនេះក៏មានពាក្យមិនសរម្យច្រើនដែល🤏🔞 Taekook all story 🤯
Writer by me junalifa <3