In order to protect his boyfriend Xiao Zhan from a hate wave,Wang yibo makes the hardest decision: to sacrifice his existence. He is forgotten by each and every being of the earth....except the person for whom he had made this sacrifice for . Xiao Zhan. What happens next now depends on Xiao Zhan himself. Will he give in to the situation? or will he be able to bring back the love of his life? In this world what controls us the most ,our choice or our situation? How would it be like if one fine day the most important person of your life suddenly disappears for everyone else as if he was never there to begin with? What will be your decision then? would you give in to the situation and discard his memories? or will you choose to fight back with the destiny based on a single belief: that your memories together were never merely a "dream". A short fantasy story involving two real life actors. Again this is only a Fanfiction. so please please please please understand I don't own anything but this story. And it is merely a storyAll Rights Reserved